Friday, 11 December 2009

MovNat/Parkour; Training Gymnastics with Sydney Parkour

This week saw the second session of gymnastics training with the Sydney Parkour lot, over at the Olympic Sports centre.
What could be better than springing around like a lunatic!

On the agenda was learning to backflip; which was successfully achieved (off of the floor with no spot), muscle-ups (successful, again, no spot) and gainers! Woohoo!

The facilities were amazing, so we made the most of it, despite the fact we were still brutally aching from Tuesday's Parkour session.
Music was pumping and the class was a good 30+ in numbers, so with the atmosphere in a 'Balls Out!' mood, it was time to get down and dirty.

Backflips - Started out with preparation jumps (jumping slightly forward with a thrusting of the hips motion) and then moved on to flips with a spot. After the comfort zone was reached with that, the spot was taken away with successful results!

Gainers - Started with a Balls Out! effort more than anything, then was soon refined with the help of one of the instructors present at the class. The secret was bringing the knees to the shoulders and not vice versa, along with the forward thrusting of the hips and flinging the arms behind the ears. Seriously addictive fun.

Muscle-ups - A gradual progression over about 2 months now. This success stemmed from trying and trying more than anything. The secret was technique more than strength levels. And the secret of the technique was really pulling down hard at the start of the motion, combined with a decent set-up short swing and pushing your chest over your palms enough so that the balance existed, ready for the final part of the muscle up.


You're gonna have to tilt your head for this one -

Muscle-up -

After being thoroughly knackered from gainer-ing our nuts off, it was time for the post-workout therapy; yes, Ice Cream.

Belgian Chocolate - royally tantalising.

Couldn't have asked for a better evening!

Cheers guys!

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